Defying the Laws

Defying the laws of logic, reason, gravity, absurdity… such was the solitary time in the height of COVID. I started making these works as a way to express the unwieldy, awkward and off-kilter sense of reality. The concentration that these images require helped to provide a center and focus and gave me a sense that I could make and break the rules in this makeshift space.

Since 2020, I have returned to this body of work as a place to experiment wildly and play with image-making in a way that more closely relates to drawing than printmaking. These works are also a distinct approach to place, landscape, and cityscape. Repetition, balance, unitization, and chunking exist in the company of solid, heavy, emphatic gestures. There is uncertainty amidst all certainty.


Skopelos, Greece (2023, 2018, 2013)


Morning Walk (2019-21)